Thursday, March 29, 2007

Library database research.

1) The first task is for library searches: search the library catalogue and check out the full-text database search via the library website and find three academic articles that relate to the topic of your first essay. Write a report to post in your blog that summarises the key points in the articles, and comment on how this task has helped you formulate your topic.

Yeah, well I couldn't access The SPAM Cartel : Why Spammers Spam [electronic resource] by Jeffrey Posluns, which was ultra annoying. But I think it will be a useful resource to investigate the mind of a Spammer, as there is a whole chapter dedicated to Phishing and scam Spam, which is an interesting topic.

Phishing: Cutting the Identity Theft Line by Rachel Lininger was an interesting online resource as it discussed my very topic of Phishing. It had a lot of tools how to reduce your threat of Phising and soforth.

Phishing Exposed by Lance James was another resource I could not access due to the fact I was not on a "Griffith" computer, which is soo annoying, but in a few weeks when I am off my mid-semester break I will discuss these articles in more detail.

This task has helped me greatly as I had not thought previously there was many resources on the obscure topic of Phishing, which is a relief!

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