Monday, May 28, 2007

The final Slog: Exam Revision.

Thought that I had better attempt this before I do the exam, would be an idea :P. OKAY, my study hat is on.

Lecture Themes
Week 1
intro to 1501ART -
What is communication? How can we explain it with different models?
Communication is any process that transfers, transmits or makes information known to other people.

The basic model of communication was explained by Aristotle in his book Rhetoric about 2, 500 years ago:
The speaker produces a message that is heard by the listener.

Shannon & Weaver in their book The Mathematical Theory of Communication suggests a better model is:
The speaker produces an effect on the transmitter which sends a message (which is degraded by the noise of the transmission process) that is intercepted by the receiver which converts it into an effect that is heard by the listener.

Shannon & Weaver model discounts a couple of other factors that further complicates the communication process:
Intersubjectivity: - the listener interprets the message and changes it as they send it along
- communication is between people and they always want to argue about things, interpreting them in light of their own experience.
-the active audience produces feedback.
Intertextuality: -no message is ever complete
- any message gains its meaning from all other messages that the person has previously received and sent.

Thinking about the concept of language and 'meaning'.

what is technology? What is analogue; what is digital?
Technology is the scientific study of mechanical arts and their application to the world.
Analogue functions by representing variable forces that are continuous in both time and space through dials that allow the relatively imprecise modulation of these forces.
Digital technology relies on strong bits of binary information about forces by turning on and off currents of electricity or light in ways that allow for precise modification of those forces.

Chapter 1 & 2
What is meant by the following terms:
Dialectic is the idea that history is shaped by opposing forses. The predominant force, idea, movement or paradigm is challenged by an opposing force, idea, movement or paradigm, which results in a third new force, idea, movement, or paradigm (synthesis). The synthesis, in turn, becomes the new predominant force, idea,, movement or paradigm (the new thesis), and the process begins all over again. The dialectic is the process of creation, and resolution of contradictions.
ideology is a worldview based on principles or intuitions that may or may not be logical or internally consistent.
materialism is the philosophical mode of though that suggests that events, situations, and relationships in the real, physical world determine, to the largest degree, human thinking. Marx argues that the social force that drives historical change is the struggle between classes for control of the material world, in particular control over the means of production.
meme is a small but powerful chunk of ideological DNA that carries ideas, meanings, trends and fashions through both time and space via the process of mimetic transfer. Memes can be generated by hegemonic or subversive social forces and are usually transported via the various communication vectors of the mass media, narrowcasting and popular culture.
vector is the pathway or pathways open for communication, in particular the transmission of ideology via mimetic transfer and mutation.

Can you think of an example of how those terms appear in everyday life? Well materialism is dominanting popular culture at the moment.

Week 2
Media Theory -
What do we mean when we say 'media'?
media has a variety of meanings, all changing in time.

considers the development of various 'Schools' or media, each one with a different focus and method for studying what is essentially communication and how we make meaning.

Communication Studies (USA)
Bullet Theory- The mass media is a vechile through which selected content could shape opinion and belief, change habits of life, etc.
Application of statistical method- random samples= large social effects. Kolmogorov.
Minimum Effects- Lazarsfeld's studies of nazi propaganda through the media only had minimal effects on citizens.
Connections to psychology
MARSHALL MCLUHAN- radio and cinema are "hot" because their dense information consumes the audience. TV and telephones are cool with less intense information so the audience has more sensory participation.
Mixed Effects- Gerbner and Gross "Cultivation Hypothesis"- public's perception of a crime problem were shaped and cultivated by the ways in which media portrayed violence.
McComb's and Shaw's rank order of issues voters nominated as important in an election closely correlated with the rank number of issues raised in the press.
Noelle- Neumann's "Spiral of silence" supression or amplification of viewpoints in the media produce an decrease or increase in the willingness of citizens to express viewpoints.
Return of Maximum Effects- Herman and Chomsky

Tracks the development of different 'Schools of thought' over time, and looks at the different approaches that each school used.

Media Studies (UK)
Raymond Williams- Culture is wrested from that priviledged space of artistic production and specialist knowledge and into the lived experience of everyday. Williams argued for the importance of television and understood it as "flow"
Stanley Cohen; Moral Panics- The media cast the young fashion victims as "folk devils" who were subjected to media outrage for just being there.
Glasgow School- Analysised news programs, revealed their ideological content.
Stuart Hall, Bermingham School- different processes for encoding and decoding media texts and argued the message intended from the producers may be read by a variety of ways by the audience: they might accept the preferred reading, negotiate their own reading by contesting the preferred message, or; produce an oppositional reading by rejecting the preferred strategy.
Active Audience- "Desperately seeking the audience" Ien Ang. Knowledge of audiences had been formed by the "institutional point of view"

Cultural Studies (Europe)
1930's Walter Benjamin- techniques of reproduction in photography and film have a liberating potential due to their "destructive, cathartic, liquidation of the traditional value of cultural heritage"
1940's Frankfurt School- Real life is becoming indistinguishable from the movies.
1950's Situationalists- Society of the Spectacle- "Everything that was directly lived has moved away into a representation"- Guy Debord
1960's Habermas- Second generation Frankfurt school. Public sphere was the domain of social life in which "Public opinion" forms. Habermas argues that the commercialisation of the media saw a transformation of the public sphere. "The consumer services of the mass media". Potential for the recreation of the public sphere as "a public of organised private persons" engaged in the rationalisation of social and political power through mutual control of rival organisations.
1970's Althusser- Media as Ideological State Apparatuses which reproduce the "imaginary relationship of individuals to their real conditions of existence"
1980's Baudrillard- Simulacra- Real was represented, hyperreal is simulated.
1990's Fraser- Subaltern counterpublics- Parralel discursive arenas where members of subordinated social groups invent and circulate counterdiscourses, which in turn permit them to formulate oppositional interpretations of their identities, interests and needs.

As students and thinkers and consumers of 'media' and communication technologies, it is important to understand these approaches and figure out how they might be useful for our own thinking..... do we need to adapt them or change them to fit our technology, or our culture and society?
No, there are so many!

What is the difference between 'media' and 'technology'?
Media are Messages that are distributed through the technologies, principally text in books, study guides and computer networks; sound in audio-tapes and broadcast: pictures in video-tapes and broadcast; text, sound and/or pictures in a teleconference. Whereas technology is the scientific study of mechanical arts and their application to the world.

Ch 3 & 4
Do you know what the following terms mean:
technology - 1) An object, or system of connected objects, that can be used in a productive process to provide a practical solution to a problem. 2) A process of incorporating knowledge into the production process; in capitalist systems this takes a distinct commodity form.
capital- For Marx and political economy, capital refers to the acuumulation of labour during the production of commodities in a particular set of production relations. In neo-classical economics the term is stripped of any notions of exploitation and refers to the exclusive right of the monied class to own and control the means of production.
means of production- An ensemble of the available technologies and natural resources that combine with human labour and within specific forms of social relations to form what political economy calls the mode of production.
commodity- The process of turning non-commercial material-goods, services, ideas- into saleable products or commodities.
labour- "Labour" and "labour power" are terms from political economy that refer to the actual process of work that humans undertake in their interactions with technology and nature to produce the means of substistence and the necessities of life. Within any given social formation or economic system, the forms that this labour takes are determined by the relations of production. Within the capitalist economy of the 20th century (and today), labour takes a commodity form in which its price is determined not on the principle of a fair day's pay for a fair day's work, but by the power of capital to impose conditions of exploitation on the labouring classes.
hegemony- A term popularised by Antonio Gramsci to describe the domination of one social class by another.
political economy-
A theory of social economics which argues that knowledge and analysis of ownership and control of economic entities is a useful, indeed, essential means of understanding. Political economy can be based on a class analysis or some other taxonomy.

political economy is a bit difficult to grasp from the textbook... the idea is that starting from the idea of an 'economy', which talks about the means of production - how societies make stuff that we consume and trade and so on - and applying ideas from sociology and politics. We can take the word politics on face value meaning the relationships of people to structures of 'power' and control.

So a political economy approach asks us to look at who is 'producing' and who controls the 'means' of that production; what are the relationships and who decides what is made and how it is made. The other side of this is how we then 'consume' those products.

A political economy of communication would describe the forces that influence how we can communicate through different media and so on. If we looked at the internet as an example, an issue arising from a political economic approach would be the digital divide where not everyone in the world has equal access to the internet.
Another new technology we could consider would be the well-known ipod. As far as portable music players go, the ipod is a mediocre product at best. There are much better and cheaper products out there. Yet, nearly everyone who has a music player has an ipod! Why?
The answer might be more complex than I can cover here, but consider the idea that Apple (as a brand) developed the iPod as a fashion accessory, in a sense, and it spread through the media, and by word of mouth that it was a cool product... and so it gained a certain amount of 'value' (cultural capital) in our culture. This puts Apple in a unique position to control the portable music player market, and because they dominate the market, people automatically buy ipods because it's a brand they might grow to trust in some ways. This has many other 'political' implications, such as the fact that ipods use the mp3 format (a proprietary format).... and so it goes on, untangling the web of a political economic approach.
These examples illustrate that many of the concepts from our theory from different weeks are inter-related when we use them in practise.

Week 3
Birth of the Computer -
Where did computers come from? What a stupid question. The sky? Computers actually evolved over thousands of years.
Who were the major players in the evolution of computers?
Charles Babbage- 19th Century Difference engine
Ada Byron, Lady Lovelace- Babbage was aided in his wonderings about the analytical engine. She annotated "sketch of the analytical engine"
Alan Turing- On computable numbers. The Bombe, to break secret German "Enigma" codes. Computing Machinery and Intelligence suggested the Turing Test. Gordom Moore. Xerox PARC in the early 70s GUI, pull down menus. 1975=0. Bill Gates. BASIC For Altair. Apple. Steve Jobs and Wozniak. Visicalc (Lotus 1-2-3), Apple 2. IBM.
What is moore's law? The capacity of a microchip doubles every two years.

Ch 9
What is the difference engine?The Difference Engine was designed as a massive steam-powered mechanical calculator to print astronomical tables and thus save time and money and to be more accurate.
What is a Mainframe, and what is it's place in the history of computing? Mainframe is a term used to describe the large refringerator- size computers that preceded the personal computer. The first commercial mainframe was the Univac: Manufactured in 1951. The mainframe made a comeback in the 1990s as electronic commerce took off, and as networks based systems become subject to hacking and virus attackes, as an efficient and secure means of performing high-volume transactions. IBM dominates the market for mainframe computers.
Explain the idea of convergence? To converge means to come together. In the context of communications technologies this means the comin together of telecommunications, computing and broadcasting. The key to this modern form of convergence is the microprocessor- the computer chip. Convergence is both a technological and an economic-social process that proceeds dialectially and via a series of contradictions.

Week 4
Short history of the Internet -
What is The Internet? how does it work?
The internet is a network of networks. These networks include servers, mainframes, and personal computers and other devices that use CMC (commuter-mediated-communications) technology, loosely interconnected by the telephone system and, more recently, broadband cable and satellite services, to link people around the world into an information-sharing system. Packet switching, which is breaking down messages into small chunks and transmitting them from one computer to another.

What is the World Wide Web? (it is important to realise that the Web is not the same thing as the internet!)
The WWW is a particular use of the internet that emerged in the 1990s as people were generally beginning to see the potential for computers to communicate with each other as a matter of course. The Web merges the techniques of i) internetworking and ii) hypertext to make an easy-to-use, but powerful global system that shares all information accessible as a part of a seamless hypertext space. The web is part of the internet, not the internet. Firefox= web.

What is CyberSpace?
A conceptual space where words, relationships, data, wealth and power are manifested by using Computer Mediated Communication Technologies.

A brief outline of some of the major uses of the internet, including both applications and protocols ...
Applications- Email, File Transfer Protocol, p2p file sharing, etc.

Some ideas about 'netiquette' and emoticons...
Netiquette is etiquette on the Internet. Spam, flaming (abusive communications). Cracking is computer crime. Kevin Mitnick, got into the US Air Defence System reading a company email. He was jailed. Clint Haines.

What is 'Epic 2012' (see lecture notes under the heading applications, there's a small link to a video to watch)?

Evolving personalised media construct. It pays users to contribute any information they know into a grid, allowing the system to create new tailored to individuals.

Ch 10
What is cyber mythology or digital mythology? The power of myth is that it contains elements of truth and seems to hold a timeless manifestation of an eternal and powerful entity. Digital mythology is based on the seemingly unstoppable power of technology to "do good".

When was the golden age of the internet?
The golden age of the internet is when there was a halcyon period in history in which everything was bright and beautiful. A utopian idea that grew out of the cyberian dissociation from, and dissatisfaction with, what was happening in the "safe", unconnected world.

Can you describe the events of the crash, often referred to as the Dot.Bomb, of the year 2000?
In the second half of the 1990s a significant number of computer companies 'went public'; that is, they listed on the stock exchange through an IPO (Initial public offering). In doing so, they created fabulous paper profits for those who owned the shares prior to the IPO. Those who cashed in their shares made huge profits. This was known as the boom. In late 1999 and and early 2000, these stocks lost their allure and the market crashed. American stock markets lost $US2 trillion dollars and Bill Gates' personal fortune fell by $30 billion in just a few hours. The NASDAC fell a record 78 per cent.

What is 'new media' as opposed to 'old media'?
New media is a catchall phrase used to distinguish digital media forms from "old media" forms such as newspapers, magazines, radio and television.

Week 5

Virtual Reality – Virtual Philosophy and the Internet
The lecture this week takes the ideas about the internet as a medium, and applies a bunch of concepts from philosophy and media studies that we touched on earlier in the semester.
What are some of the 'communications media' that came before 'the internet'? what can they add to our understanding of the 'net?

Telegraph- Invented in 1837 by Samuel Morse. Electrical impulses sent down a wire inpatterns that could be reinterpreted as a message at the other end. Binary system.

Telephone- Invented in 1876 by Alexander Bell. Point-to-point transmission.

Phonograph- Thomas Edison invented in 1876 as he recorded and played back sound on wax cylinders.

Radio- 1895 Marconi invented wireless telegraphy that allowed messages to be sent over long distances by modulating electro-magnetic radiation.

Cinema- Lumiere brothers film at 1/24th second. 1929

Television- John Logie Baird 1926. Light is filtered by lenses onto a photoelectric surface, which is read by an electron scanning beam which turns the info into an electrical current. This encoded info is ready to be picked up by the aerial.

What ideas do traditional philosophers have that are useful for us, such as the ancient Greeks?

The lines between reality and representation has been fixed in the pure rationality that emerged from reading the socratic method. Socrates claim of ignorance was the pure rationality he espoused that was used to limit and control reality. Plato developed a rational argument that reality was expressed in hidden forms that could only be appreciated by an elite who thus had the duty to use the arbitrary powers of the police state to enforce a harsh idealism. Aristotle bent pure rationality into the arbitrary categories of scientific enterprise.

The lecture concludes with a discussion of 'virtual reality'..... virtual reality as in the 'Goggles and Gloves' VR of the '80s and early '90s, and also other more contemporary ideas about what might be 'virtual'...

What was Plato's cave, and why would we talk about it in the week about virtual reality?

Plato's cave could be best described as a prisoner inside a cave since childhood, their legs and heads are chained. Behind the prisoners is a fire, and behind the fire there is a walkway, along which statues of plants, animals and other things carried by people. The statues cast shadows on these walls. And the prisoners watch these shadows. When the statue carrier speaks, an echo against the wall causes prisoners to believe that the sound come from the shadows. They engage in a game. The prisoners would not want to be free now. The forms flicker for all to see on the walls of our caves- the cinema, tv and computer screens.

What are some of the issues that come about from the use of VR technologies?

Production issues- Cartoon- like graphics limit the involvement of the user. The number of senses is limited to vision and sound.

Physiological issues- simulation sickness, motion sickness, eyestrains, headaches/ dizzyness.

Psychological issues- Addiction, brainwashing, intense violence/ pornography, desensitisation of the real world.

Ch 5-7
What do the following terms mean:
Killer application- A computer application that revolutionises the use of the computer system and renders redundant (kills off) previous applications. Spreadsheets and word processing were the original killer applications; Internet browsers and search engines are another example. The search is always on for the next 'killer app'.

broadsheet- A newspaper format in which each page is approximately A2 size. Traditionally regarded as an upmarket form to distinguish it from tabloid, which is A3 and downmarket.

tabloid- A newspaper format based on a page size approximately A3. Also pejorative term used to describe poor-quality journalism in any medium.

pixel- A dot that is the smallest single identifiable element of an image or picture. The greater number of pixels per square inch (PSI) the clearer the image will reproduce.

broadcast- To broadcast means to scatter widely. In this sense broadcasting is clearly linked to the concept of publishing in the print media. The message is published to a wide audience via electronic signals originating from a single source. Radio stations and free-to-air television services are the most common forms of broadcasting today.

podcast- A digital audio technology that enables listeners to download material from the internet for time-shift listening using a digital media player.

Week 11

CyberDemocracy and the Digital Divide -
The lecture considers different models of democracy and the role the media plays in mediating the citizens' experience of democracy and government.
The major issue that all discussions of cyberpolitics is the digital divide: only some people have access to computers, even less the internet.
While cyberdemocracy is not particularly evident in the way cyberspace 1) is organised on hierarchial lines and 2) its uses for commercial purposes, the internet has become a valuable addition in the ways that debate occurs in our society such as blog campaigning.
The end of history and the last man, Francis F... argues that the 1980s saw the near-universal triumph of liberal democracy and its representative institutions. Over the last 200 years, representative democracy has both broadened and at the same time narrowed.
The most obvious alternative to representative democracy is participatory or direct democracy, based on the ancient Greek model where all citizens have a right and a duty to be involved in all decisions made.
Chantal Mouffe argues in her preface to Dimensions of radical democracy about democracy.

Gaps in the mass media
The increasing concentration, centralisation and commercialisation of the mass media appear to have foreclosed avenues for democratic participation in currently existing representative democracy. However, a number of theoretical counterparts and interventions suggest that there may be ways in which the arena of deliberation, or the public sphere, may be extended via the application of nct and a better appreciation for the power of the audience.
Habermas "Public Sphere" where public opinions form. Habermas argues that political debate flourished to produce an independent sphere of influence from which the emerging be... could criticise the state and civil society. "consumer services of the mass media" Marshall McLuhan suggests the media might extend involvement in a space similar to the public sphere.
Taylor and Saarinen argue that with the emerging information economy will so blur the flow of power, that technical adaptation will allow the same diffuse audience to communicate with government.
Hans Magnus Enzenberger rejects what he calls the "liberal superstition that in political and social questions there is such a thing as pure, manipulated truth"

Steve Stockwell argues that the ancient greek citizens engaged with their ideals of democracy in a similar way that 'hackers' engage with technology.
One space for recreation has been cleared by the hacker, originally computer programmers with a desire to so understand the intricies of computing systems that they could move freely through machines and their networks to find obscure and hidden information. Hackers regard computer systems not as corporate property but as part of the common wealth and do not believe it is wrong that they thought through them to reveal their secret substance.
1986 Hacker manifesto- "This is our world now"
1985 Hacker handbook- Hugo cornwall notes two other uses of hacker "those involved in the recreational and educational sport of unauthorised entry of computers and, more generally, the enthusiasts who love working with the beasties for their own sake, as opposed to operating them in order to enrich a company."

What happens to our contemporary version of democracy and the citizen if every citizen could 'hack' their own understanding of democracy?

this does NOT mean we are all 'computer hackers'. it takes a more broad definition of a hacker as someone who seeks to push the boundaries of a situation or knowledge.
as Richard Stallman would say 'hackers are people who enjoy playful cleverness'.

As a result, we (the citizens in a democracy) could all become more informed about the rules of democracy and how we can push those limits in order to get the best possible result for everyone.

Want to actually make a change for the better in our society? Want to have a better government in power? Then we need to learn about the rules and how we can maximise the chance to make a real change. Who will you vote for, and why? Make an informed choice.

Time Travel
Newtonian view- the whole universe was set in motion and has continued to run ever since. The future of any part of the system can be predicted with absolute certainty, if its state at any one time is known in complete and perfect detail.
Uncertainty principle- there is a point when we come up with a barrier which is impossible to make accurate measurements, and therefore impossible to accurate measurements, and therefore impossible to ever know how matter is behaving.
Theoretically, an objects "wordline" may loop back on itself. Wormholes.
If you could travel back in time it might lead the traveller back to a time before he set out and gives rise to the "Grandfather paradox", meeting your grandfather and even conceiving one of your parents.

Week 12

Free software, open source and the creative commons
This lecture is about challenging the limiting power of certain monopoly forces in society, in particular the ways that the software we use on our computing devices are locked into a vicious cycle.

What can we do to stop these proprietary models of software production?
Proprietary software is software that is owned by the company that sells it. The collections of instructions for programmers that write is called a source code. The source code for commercial companies is usually locked. It is illegial to reverse engineer a code.

How can we take back the rights to the programs we use, and the stuff we create and distribute online?

We examine the Free Software movement, and also such groups as the Creative Commons and the Electronic frontier foundation.
Richard M Stallman. Copyleft is the core concept behind putting stuff out there on the internet for free. The legally-binding contract that controls the use of free and open source software is the GPL.
GNU/ Linux operating system is a completely free alternative to Windows.

The next part was about free and open source software, which is basically software that is available to everyone to use and modify which contrasts with software owned by a big corporation that you have to pay for the right to use.

Creative commons gives us freedom to use iunformation responsibly, morally and legally without being sued.
EFF deals with the law and digital media across the whole spectrum. They are concerned with keeping the internet open for people to have access to, without being restricted by government and corporate interests.
The final part is about taking the idea of open source software and applying it to creative products; the idea of the “Creative Commons”. What is the role of creative commons? Can you see it applying to something that you create or write?

Thursday, May 17, 2007

MS Excel.

Excel is a bit more difficult than Word, but still simple nevertheless. It reminds me of Apple IMAC's and Grade 6 IT class. I miss those days, it was an awesome IT education period. I remember doing about 30 Excel sheets about pointless imaginary bakery figures, and a horse racing thing which involved alot of calculating which Excel managed to automatically calculate for me. If any problems I referred to help, which I did not have to do once. It is fairly simple program and being a journalist, I really don't need the program much.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

MS Worrrrrrrdddddd

Hello. Today I started early on my tutorial task in my break between tutes. Seeing that it was raining and I didn't have any money to get food, I stayed in the learning centre and started the task for this week. The only problem I had was when I come into the tute and logged onto a different computer, all my contacts from my Mail Merge list were missing, because I saved them to a "My Received Files" folder and not my H drive, WHICH IS BADDDD!!! So I had to do those Contacts again, which was silly and that's about it. Problem fixed! Any other problems I referred to Mr. Paperclip (Ie. the Help function) which is what I usually do at home. Mr. Paperclip is the source of all knowledge.

MS Word is like, the simplest thing ever. I have grown up on it. I use this software all the time!

I hope you enjoy my essay below. It's hours of research and weirdly paragraph html codes that I can't delete, but at least I tried.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

The Academic Essay.

Academic Essay

New Communication Tech

By Hannah Robertson

Student number: s2625445

Phishing compromises Individuals safety and security. There should be more rules and regulations that control this phenomenon.” Discuss.

Phishing. Pronounced FISH-ing, it is the creation of a clone of an existing web page to trick a user into submitting personal, financial or password data (HTML reference 1). This is a relatively new term to the Internet world, as previously hackers were at the forefront of describing computer crime. Phishing is different to hacking in the way hacking deceives the user into entering and downloading a Trojan horse program, which in turn impairs the computer’s function (Parker 1998, p.165). Phishing does trick the user into entering their fraudulent website, however, Phishing takes personal information from the user once “baited” and can use this information to tap into users websites, or financial information. Phishing is most common through a spam email that is disguised as an email coming from a financial institution, but recently Phishing has become more prevalent in the Myspace Community. is an interactive community where users are free to create their own personal “space” for interaction. Myspace has recently become a target for Phishing criminals who trick the users by redirecting them to a fake Myspace homepage where users would have to enter their details only to have it read by a 3rd party website who retrieves their log-in email and password (HTML Reference 3). While only resulting in annoying spam bulletins, and the deletion of profile content, this problem is compromising user’s security by enabling access to their passwords, which in turn, could lead to the gaining of other personal information such as banking details.

In the 1960s, a hacker did not have any nasty connotations (Fites Et Al 1989, p. 17). In 2007, Phishing is a word that is almost synonymous with annoying, useless and inconvenient bulletins, comments and emails. While people know about the dangers of hacking and Phishing, most individuals do not do enough to protect themselves from this crime. The Internet is decentralised, non-hierarchical, almost anarchic (Sterling 1993, p. 229) in nature, and while there are laws prohibiting this type of activity, the Internet needs to have more regulators to control the extent of the crimes committed. In saying this, most individuals can avoid this type of activity by simply acknowledging and protecting themselves from Phishing.

Fites Et Al (1989) noted that with virus attacks becoming more vicious “and result in more damage, legal action will be brought against the vandals”(Fites Et Al, 1989, p. 125). Myspace’s Phishing bug has resulted in massive vicious attacks. This has included the Phishers engineering a fake login form on Myspace’s own web site. Even security conscious individuals are at risk of becoming victims (Hart, 2006- HTML Reference 6). Why Myspace? Because, as Dan Hubbard, Vice President of Security and Research for Websense Inc, noted, “Teenagers and young adults, who make up the bulk of visitors to networking sites, are seen as easy targets because they are typically more trusting and less security-savvy” (Hart, 2006- HTML Reference 6). Parents could use the same computer for their banking, and then this is when Phishing becomes a serious crime. While oblivious teenagers are angered by mysterious bulletins they did not post, they choose to ignore the multitude of warnings on Myspace to simply “Change your password” (HTML Reference 7). Under the “Help” section of, there are helpful hints on how to report spammers, as well as the ability to report such offences by simply contacting their customer service through a message, at the URL Myspace openly encourages the reporting of fraudulent spam bulletins and fake Myspace login pages. Therefore, individuals are warned about the dangers of Phishing on Myspace, and are aware of the reporting abilities available. In saying that there should be more laws governing this, individuals can avoid this type of activity by following warnings.

Computer crime has dated back to about 1986, when the Computer Fraud and abuse act passed. Also, the Electronic Communication and Privacy act passed in 1986 (Sterling 1993, p 19), a positive step in the right direction to curb hacking. Since 1986, however, Hacking and Phishing has increased in size and proportion. The unauthorised use of other networks, computers and their information is a legal violation in the majority of legal jurisdictions in the western world (Parker 1998, p. 174). The Internet is certainly anarchic in every aspect, so why is there a lack of monitoring? The Australian Government has attempted to curb this problem, with credit and debit car skimming an offence, from Legislation introduced in Winter 2004 (HTML Reference 8). The Government had also promised to educate consumers about Phishing. This does not skirt the issue entirely. Internet savvy consumers have to listen to all warnings carefully. This is not always done. The Internet is one of quick, fast and easy access, and to “be careful” of the Phishing bug plagues the user with a terrible amount of inconvenience, something that these customers of banking sectors do not need. While these users may be seen as lazy, owners of websites with banking functions and targets of Phishing (such as Myspace), could do more to make Phishing more regulated by writing and petitioning to Government, and introducing anti-Phishing clients on their websites.

Why is Phishing a growing trend? According to Bruce Sterling, “People- especially clever teenage boys whose lives are otherwise mostly powerless…love this sensation of secret power and are willing to do all sorts of amazing things to achieve it” (Sterling 1993, p. 19). Jan Hruska has also noted in Computer Viruses and Anti-Virus Warfare that these hackers have “no sense of responsibility or remorse about what they do, and are prepared to exploit others to achieve their aims” (Hruska 1990, p. 54). It is a growing subculture of individuals who are excited by accessing individual’s private details in the Myspace world where individuality is exposed by the click of a button. Because the Internet is so anonymous in nature, these “Phishers” feel comfortable in knowing that their identity, as long as they are protected, are securely hidden. These Phishers are comfortable in that fact because they are so well experienced with Computers and Networks, it is hard to feel anxious at all. This is why the Internet needs to be regulated more, with the help of users, the legal system, and site owners.

The Computer world is growing faster than any other Trend in the universe. People are more Technologically savvy than ever, and with the growing need for personalities to be exposed on Myspace, comes the threat of the Phishing bug taking over Individual’s details, and causing great inconvenience in their everyday Cyber lives. Individuals need to protect themselves from such bugs by always following warnings, and perhaps choosing an Anti-Phishing Web browser, such as Mozilla Firefox. Mozilla checks websites frequently that is associated with Phishing. This is placed on a list that is updated frequently, and warns the user of the danger by placing a pop-up warning box if there is a suspicious website (HTML Reference 10). The Internet needs to be monitored a whole lot more than it is in today’s society, with it’s anarchic nature, and the legal system needs greater “Internet Police” to avoid this situation. In the words of August Bequai, “In shopping for security, do so intelligently”(Bequai 1983, p. 222), that is, always pay attention to quality Anti-Phishing programs, such as Mozilla, and follow all warnings in using social network sites such as Myspace. With the aid of a better-regulated Internet community, we can all work in harmony to prevent Phishing.


  1. “Word Spy- Phishing” 2003,, accessed 2nd May 9:03am
  2. Parker, Donn B, Fighting Computer Crime: A new Framework for protecting information 1998. Publication: New York ; Chichester [England].
  3. “Phishing on Myspace”, accessed 2nd May 9:07am
  4. Philip Fites, Peter Johnston, Matin Kratz. The Computer Virus Crisis. Publication: New York: Van Nostrand Reinhold, c1989.
  5. Sterling, Bruce. The Hacker Crackdown: Law and disorder on the electronic frontier. Publication: [London] : Viking, 1993.
  6. Hart, Kim “Phish Hooked” 2007- accessed 2nd May 9:17am

7. FAQ-, accessed 2nd May 9:20am

  1. Law Planned to make Phishing an offence. By Online Staff at The Age, accessed 2nd May 9:30am
  1. Hruska, Jan, Computer Viruses and Anti-Virus Warfare. Publication: New York : Ellis Horwood, 1990.
  1. Firefox 2 Phishing Prevention accessed 2nd May 9:43am
11. Bequai, August, How to prevent Computer crime: A guide for managers. Publication: New York : Wiley, c1983.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

"Oh mother, I feel like I have been stabbed"

Eeek. I'm sick this week. And it happens to be at the most convenient time, when I should be at the NCT tute. I have aching stomach pains, but laughing at Adam's tutorial notes seem to cheer me up slightly. lol, "My dog ate my blog!!". What the?

So next week I will be handing in my essay over this blog site. That shall be interesting seeing I planned it yesterday and got soo daunted by referencing I went to Pacific Fair and spent too much money on pointless items of clothes which I DON'T NEED but I want. lol. So I didn't write it, I only planned it which was bollocks seeing I NEEDED TO GET IT DONE! So this weekend will be spent mostly writing my assignment like a madman. Except I'm sick which is silly, because I will be sleeping instead of doing much needed homework!

Oh well, I'm off to bed. Arrrrrr


Friday, April 27, 2007

Internet Field Trip.

Today, for your excitement and pleasure, I will be answering not one, BUT TWO! Questions!

Besides the obvious differences (such as ActiveWorlds is 3D and MSN isn't, etc) what are the qualitative differences between the regular IM program and a 3D environment?

A 3D environment is played much more like a game, such as the Sims, but more realistic in the fact you can "buy" and interact with your neighbours. In an IM program it is more reality based as there is no virtual world you inhabit like a 3D environment, and you react with people more on a realistic level rather than a gameplay level. IM programs are like a telephone or text messages in the way people communicate, whereas in a 3D environment is more like your standard virtual interactive game.

What is different about the kinds of socialising that happens in these spaces? Does the 3D aspect make much difference?

I think a 3D aspect makes a world of difference, literally. I think the 3D environment is more impersonal, due to the fact that people can interact with total strangers more than on IM. On IM programs such as MSN Messenger you need to know a person's email to contact them, and the person would have to accept the invitation to contact them. On the other hand a 3D Environment does not involve this personal aspect and people are free to talk to anyone.

Are there things that are possible in one space that are not possible in the other?

Yes, the opportunity for gameplay is not really possible on IM, unless you use the game function on MSN Messenger, which isn't really the same as a virtual world. There's also the chance to "be somebody else" in a virtual world, as the other players, if not playing with friends, have no idea who you are because you are playing with a username, not an email or real name in some cases.

Could you think of where this sort of application might lead us?

I could see the world becoming very impersonal if we all chat on a virtual world. I think in a way it's a form of escapism in many eyes from the turmoils and stresses of the real world. In that way this kind of environment can become addictive and maybe a 3D environment could lead people to not face reality at all and become in debt, or face other problems. The fact that you have to pay for some features is absolutely ridiculous, this may lead to these worlds becoming exclusive and expensive.

Okay, well that ended up being four questions. Oops.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Photoshopping Part Two.

Okay, well this week has certainly been a busy week. I crashed my car, cried alot about that because I am now in some serious debt to my parents. I also fell asleep while doing homework that day and woke up at 5pm in the afternoon and now I am seriously BEHIND in everything! Also, I have discovered Elliott Smith and he has forever changed my idea of music. I love his album XO, it's a masterpiece. It's full of melancholy yet hope and happiness, and I just adore it.

Anyway! to the whole Photoshopping thing. I really experimented with all the photos below. My first attempt at the whole photoshop experience was with my first picture, which represented friends (you can match the friends to the one I'm talking about :p) . I chose the picture of me dancing madly with the Physics extraordinare Mangers because it symbolises great times. Anyway, I basically just painted the background blue with the paint bucket thing because I really had no idea with the whole photoshop thing and hoped for the best. I think this photo is a crazy photo, hence why it needed a bright colour for the background, adding to the crazy time I had with Mangers.

The next one was the theme of Communication. I chose an old phone because to me, that is what communication is about. Receiving messages through voice or other. I got semi-advanced here in actually selecting an area where I would like the paint bucket to paint! OMG! yes, it is true, I am a photoshop geek now. Haha, well getting there. I think communication is seen as very girly and hence the pink.

With the news worthy photo I chose an image of some American reporter because media these days is mainly americanised. It's all about the American delivery I guess to people now. Somehow American news is seen as more "accurate" or whatever. I basically went crazy with this photo, layering it, using the lassoo tool to select her body and then transforming it by using copy and then some other thing (found it while using the right-click menu). I morphed it because I think the news at time can get crazy and "morphed" therefore I decided to go crazy with this photo.

For the next theme I chose a can of Vegemite, which is very Australian. I moved the can of Vegemite to the side and using the shape tool I drew some stars and painted the background blue. It was supposed to look like a Vegemite themed Australia flag but I never worked out how to draw Australian flag-looking stars. Plus, the Australian flag stars are white and mine are yellow. BUT! I guess it matches the colour of the Vegemite can.

For popular I decided to get an image of a Blackberry. Apparently the are all the rage and every second teenage show (*COUGH* The OC) uses one. This is why I chose it for the theme of "Popular". Anyhoo, this is my most advanced Photoshop picture. I firstly made many letter shapes with the autoshape tool and overlapped them, looking like this blackberry was very Popular. I then flattened the picture by clicking some thing that Adam showed me and it was very advanced. I then applied a filter or whatever to the Blackberry, making the blackberry seem a bit smudged. It makes the Blackberry look overused (well I wanted it to look that way anyway) and stressful just looking at it due to the amount of messages, adding to the Popular theme.

Tetris is a game, therefore I chose it for the theme Games. I didn't do much on this picture, I didn't really know how to add to the theme of games. I basically smudged alot of the picture, deleted some with the eraser tool and copied some and made a layer on the game.

Paris Hilton. She is clearly a celebrity, some may argue though. I selected her face with the lassoo tool and applied some weird paint thing to her face, applying more attention to her face in a humorous way. I then drew love hearts with the autoshape tool because EVERYONE LOVES CELEBRITIES!

That is all in my Photoshopping adventure. I am now going to return to the land of CATCHING UP ON HOMEWORK!! Fun fun.

1. Friends- This was taken on my Motorola V3x camera phone.
2. Communication:
3. News-worthy:
4. Australian:
5. Popular:
6. Games:
7. Celebrity:

Thursday, March 29, 2007




These are my friends. Haha. This image was uploaded from my myspace, I don't know the brand of camera I used, I can hardly remember that day. lol. I think this represents Friends because it's all about good times and having fun.

High- Tech:
This robot-dog always reminds me of High-tech! It's very advanced, and I seem to watch technology shows and there is always this dog on those kind of shows.

This image was from


CNN always comes to mind with the word "news". Somehow it manages to be at the top of news providers, even if it is an American based channel. This image was from

Summer: (Image from

The Gold Coast always reminds me of Summer, with it's beaches and flocks of tourists.

Unconventional: (Image from

For some reason, Britney Spears' shaved head is unconventional. Britney Spears sure sprung to mind when the word popped up.

University Life: (Image from
This is my friend Sam. He's an idiot! This was taken at a University party (he attends Monash). I think this encapsulates University life. nerdy glasses, bad hairdo and crazy nights.

Library database research.

1) The first task is for library searches: search the library catalogue and check out the full-text database search via the library website and find three academic articles that relate to the topic of your first essay. Write a report to post in your blog that summarises the key points in the articles, and comment on how this task has helped you formulate your topic.

Yeah, well I couldn't access The SPAM Cartel : Why Spammers Spam [electronic resource] by Jeffrey Posluns, which was ultra annoying. But I think it will be a useful resource to investigate the mind of a Spammer, as there is a whole chapter dedicated to Phishing and scam Spam, which is an interesting topic.

Phishing: Cutting the Identity Theft Line by Rachel Lininger was an interesting online resource as it discussed my very topic of Phishing. It had a lot of tools how to reduce your threat of Phising and soforth.

Phishing Exposed by Lance James was another resource I could not access due to the fact I was not on a "Griffith" computer, which is soo annoying, but in a few weeks when I am off my mid-semester break I will discuss these articles in more detail.

This task has helped me greatly as I had not thought previously there was many resources on the obscure topic of Phishing, which is a relief!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

It's Question and Answer time!

I used, and and and

1. What is the weight of the world's biggest pumpkin?
Who the hell knows!! 990 lbs to be exact. Thankyou websearch. Woo.

2. What is the best way (quickest, most reliable) to contact Grant Hackett?
To contact Grant, it is best to write to the Miami Swimming Club, their address is:Miami Swimming ClubPO BOX 2461BURLEIGH QLD 4220

3. What is the length of a giraffe's tongue?
An adult giraffe's tongue is 27" long

4. How would you define the word 'ontology'? In your own words, what does it really mean ?
Ontology deals with the study of existence and being.

It is a very broad term to describe many characteristics of metaphysics in philosophical terms.

5. What was David Cronenberg's first feature film?
Shivers in 1975.

6. When was the original 'Hacker's Manifesto' written?
January 8, 1986

7. Why do all phone numbers in Hollywood films start with '555'?
30 or so years ago, dials had letters as well as numbers and the first 3 letters of the exchange name were dialled followed by numbers.

The 555 code was used because it stood for the letters JKL which were 3 letters that were impossible to make English place names.

Hollywood was encouraged to quote 555 numbers in their productions to prevent real subscribers being harassed by members of the public trying out the numbers quoted on the screen

8. What is the cheapest form of travel from Crete to Rhodes?

9. What song was top of the Australian Pop Charts this week in 1965?

10. Which Brisbane band includes Stephen Stockwell on keyboards and vocals?
Black Assassins.

What is a search engine?
A search engine is A software program that searches a database and gathers and reports information that contains or is related to specified terms.

How do search engines rank the stuff they find on the internet?
Relevancy rankings are sorted by search term frequency. Search term frequency is a major way of determining a document is relevant. A document that contains, say, the word Grease over and over is most likely to appear towards the top of the search list.

who, or what, makes one page (that you might get in your search results) more useful than another one, so that it is put at the top of your search results?
As I just said above, it really couldn't be that useful, it may just have a high frequency of the word you are searching in their web page. Some pages use both frequency and positioning of keywords to determine the relevancy of web pages to your search. But, usually, the web page at the top of the list is proven to be more useful than others due to the relevant outcome of your search.

what are some of your favourite search engines? why do you like one more than others?
I am a wikipedia addict. Last night I researched Tool's whole Lateralus album on wikipedia. I am a devout wikipedian. I am also a devout Google-er. I like Google because it is easy to use, and comes up with many search results.

Can you find some current news stories about search engines? (for example, Google has been in the technology news a bit lately).
Yes, many!! For example, Google has been in the news over Google becoming a mobile phone manufacturer.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

I stole this title off Emma.

There is one thing I cannot stand is PEOPLE TALKING IN LECTURES! It's soo annoying, and especially in New Communication Technologies. Bill Gates is a very important person you know, and people eating Burger Rings in front of you whilst talking about God knows what is not very amusing.

What was the name of that documentary that we watched today? It was really interesting, I would like to see more. It was about Alan Turing's discoveries of cryptanalysis. He was pretty eccentric, he rode a bicycle whilst wearing a gas mask. And he rode that bicycle around town like a lunatic. I must hand it to him though, that guy is a genius. I only found out before that he consumed an apple laced with cyanide to end his life. Quite sad really. Turing was also convicted of "acts of gross indecency" after admitting to a sexual relationship with a man. (Thankyou, He seemed to lead a tragic life, and it's a shame I do not know more about him.

Also, while Steve was talking about Bill Gates, I had a thought. Bill Gates is one of the richest men in the world. His billions would have to make him the one of the most powerful men in the world. Although these are facts, I don't think I have ever heard of a case where he exploits his power. With money comes power, and with power comes destruction. Gates does not seem to use his money that way. Unlike presidents and others, he's pretty much a saint. Go Bill Gates, you are the grooviest man in computer history. My loathing for Apple PC's has pretty much knocked Steve Jobs out of that list, even though I own an Apple iPod, which I love, and he's pretty much responsible for breathing life into Apple again.

Speaking of Apple, Apple brings back memories. My friend Sean used to wear an Apple T-shirt religiously. Because his school was in casual, I always used to see him at the bus stop in his nerdy Apple get-up, while I was top to toe in tartan. Apple reminds me of my crazy bus stop years, my crazy Victorian- Bendigonian lifestyle. Oh, how I miss high school. Computers remind me of that.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Firsts, seconds, blogs.

Well, the New Communication Tech text book seems to be eating my bag literally. Which is a baddd thing but good for my student study habits. Last week I managed to read a chapter of Communication and New Media under a tree, which was very calming. Except then ants started to gnaw my legs which wasn't too good for the concentration. The second chapter was read this morning (Friday) because at work a flight was delayed until 11pm (I work at a cafe the airport) and then the plane got struck by lightning on arrival, which meant the flight was cancelled. That made me ultra tired as I was supposed to finish at about 8:30 and then go home and read that chapter. BUT NO!! God works against me, in the form of a lightning bolt. But the good thing is, I managed to read the second chapter this morning. The second chapter is about Vectors, which I understand in the physics sense, but not the technology sense. But now I do, I guess. I never knew the "science" of communication technology was so very complex.

Today's lecture was very interesting. It was interesting to see the history of media theorists, especially the media studies in the UK. The realm of communication seems to be a very broad and complex study area for many theorists, as discovered today. Stanley Cohen's works on "Moral Panics" is something I would like to read into in more detail. The Mods and Rockers phenomenon of the 1960s would be a facinating read as his insights into the Uk's media reaction of such a phenomenon is exposed.

La Jetee (see main photo. Photo from, accessed 9th March 2007, 4:21pm) was a film we watched in the lecture today. A 1962 french new wave film, this film composed of a mixture of black and white photographs and a little motion scenes with voiceovers and heavily dramatic music. I say the genre was mostly sci-fi, with time-travel encapsulating most of the film. It was a love story in many cases, with memory acting as a strong element. Paris seemed to be destroyed and the end of the world seemed eminent. There is one thing the french do best in cinema and that is their scripts. Many quotes in that film were very sweet and true to love. It was a very haunting film, in a good way, because the script was very complex and left one thinking.

I don't think I have fully introduced my "blog" so I guess I should start. I should start in the fourth paragraph, haha. How professional. This is my blog for New Communication Technologies for my first year Journalism subject. The point of this blog is not one of personal issues (you can find that on my myspace site :p) but rather an informative guide on what and how my research and progress is for this subject, so I can get a lovely assessment at the end of the semester. Woohoo! So I hope you enjoy this, I do like to ramble however. I'm off to do, see, and learn.