These are my friends. Haha. This image was uploaded from my myspace, I don't know the brand of camera I used, I can hardly remember that day. lol. I think this represents Friends because it's all about good times and having fun.
High- Tech:
This robot-dog always reminds me of High-tech! It's very advanced, and I seem to watch technology shows and there is always this dog on those kind of shows.
This image was from http://www.therobotlab.com/sony-aibo-shop/images/aibo-robot.jpg.


CNN always comes to mind with the word "news". Somehow it manages to be at the top of news providers, even if it is an American based channel. This image was from http://babel.massart.edu/~kb/thesis/CaseStudy-11.21.01/TimeWebGallery/images/CNN.9.21-americasnewwar.jpg.
Summer: (Image from http://southboundaustralia.com.au/userimages/Gold%20Coast.jpg)

The Gold Coast always reminds me of Summer, with it's beaches and flocks of tourists.
Unconventional: (Image from http://www.gulf-times.com/mritems/images/2007/2/17/2_133456_1_248.jpg)For some reason, Britney Spears' shaved head is unconventional. Britney Spears sure sprung to mind when the word popped up.
University Life: (Image from http://a73.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images01/48/l_49d671ea89de0ac017bc300ca323c200.jpg)This is my friend Sam. He's an idiot! This was taken at a University party (he attends Monash). I think this encapsulates University life. nerdy glasses, bad hairdo and crazy nights.
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